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Ozonate Your Smile for Health: Dr. Lisa Butler discusses how ozone plays a positive role in oral and whole-body health

May 01, 2012 09:25AM ● By Lisa M. Butler, DMD

Lisa M. Butler, DMD

The word ozone tends to make one think about pollution and the Earth’s stratosphere, but ozone can play a positive role in your oral and whole-body health. With a medical history going back to the early 1900s, ozone is used today to sterilize instruments, clean the air, reduce postoperative infections, shorten healing times and decrease the need for more invasive procedures. The greatest benefit is that there are no prescription side effects.

In the presence of ozone (O3), pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites are vulnerable to oxidants, which will destroy the cell membrane of the pathogen, resulting in a disinfecting or sterilizing effect. Not only does ozone kill the pathogens, but it also neutralizes their acidic waste products, and it is these waste products that have been shown to trigger inflammatory immune responses.

The new environment that occurs following the biochemical change in a tooth treated with ozone allows minerals to assist in repair and reverse the effects of decay (cavities). This ability to treat decay means the dentist can be less aggressive when drilling into the tooth. It also means that ozone can kill the bacteria that cause gum disease.

Ozone used in dentistry can be delivered via ozonated water, ozonated oils and oxygen/ozone gas. Ozone leaves no toxic byproducts and can reduce or eliminate the need for traditional antibiotics, prescription pharmaceuticals, removal of tooth structure and even root canal therapy.

During World War I, ozone was used to treat wounds, burns and infections. The modern development of ozone's application to medicine began in the 1950s in Europe, Australia, Israel, Cuba, Brazil and Columbia. Today, more than 9,000 doctors, dentists and veterinarians worldwide routinely use ozone in their clinical management.

It isn’t a cure-all or a miracle, but ozone can help almost everyone have a healthier smile. The goal is to keep as much of each tooth and as many of your own teeth as possible.

Lisa M. Butler, DMD, owns the Butler Family Dentistry, in Phoenix. Learn more about biologic dentistry and her services at 602-956-4807 or