The Future Of Pain Elimination Care
Dr. Bryan Craig Siegel, owner of the North Scottsdale Chiropractic Wellness Center, is dedicated to getting his patients pain-free using the most cutting-edge, FDA-cleared technology.
He states that it is critical for the nervous system to work at ease in order to experience a pain-free existence. His bioelectrical care, phase 1, identifies where there is friction within the nervous system, an underlying entrapment condition that commonly produces pain, lack of range of motion and loss of function.
In phase 2, Siegel applies his therapeutic healing tools to activate the brain’s ability to balance and heal imbalances within the body. This means both eliminating the sliding friction zones within muscles and then applying frequencies into the tired, weakened muscle structures to recharge them.
Siegel’s dynamic diagnostic foot platform reveals weaknesses in internal foot structure that might be contributing to problems along the kinetic chain of the knees, hips, spine and neck and shoulders.
For a limited time, Siegel is offering a full consultation, analysis and initial pain treatment for $49, with a money-back guarantee if pain is not reduced in the first treatment.
The North Scottsdale Chiropractic Wellness Center is located at 8595 E. Bell Rd., Ste. D101, in Scottsdale. Contact Dr. Siegel at 480-219-0625 or visit