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New Technology Detects Problems Years Earlier: This clinic in Tempe touts thermal imaging technology

Dr. Kevin Ross, a trained chiropractor, recently opened a new clinic, Body and Breast Thermal Imaging, at his practice in Tempe. His interest in natural health and healing as naturally as possible was attenuated because of a connection with several people with breast cancer.

Ross found space to install the needed equipment for women to obtain information on the health and physiology of their breasts without having to undergo the radiation and painful compression required with mammograms. He has put together a staff of female technicians to do the breast scans, which allows him to focus on his primary job as a chiropractor. Patients are amazed at how simple the process is and how much detailed information comes back in the thermal imaging photos and scan results.

Thermal imaging gives a snapshot of the body’s physiology as much as 10 years earlier than waiting for conventional means to detect a lump or other conditions that may be developing. Women should start getting thermal imaging scans in their early 20s to establish a baseline. This allows the patient and physician to record a progressive view of the breast over time, and to monitor changes in vascularity patterns in the breast.

To help encourage more people to sample thermal imaging, his clinic is offering a $25 discount off of a new patient’s first scan when they mention this article.

Location: 2405 E. Southern Ave. For more information, call 480-395-9695 or visit