Learn About Reiki with Tracy Minton
Tracy Minton will be teaching Reiki levels one and two on April 11 and 12 at Barefoot Acupuncture Community Pain & Stress Clinic, in Scottsdale. Participants will learn about traditional Usui Reiki symbols in a non-traditional way from this experienced practitioner of energy healing. Minton has been practicing energy healing since 1998. She is also a certified clinical hypnotherapist and licensed acupuncturist.
Participants receive a Reiki attunement and learn a brief history of the Usui Reiki method, the first symbols, hand positions and how to conduct a Reiki healing session in the traditional manner. Additionally, they will learn how to tap into their own unique energy healing style and intuitive gifts, how to balance and harmonize energy centers, or chakras, interpret what they are feeling, remain open and get out of their own way.
Cost is $220 or $360 for two. Location: 6722 E. Avalon Dr., Ste. 1, Scottsdale. For more information and to RSVP, call 602-954-8016 or visit Barefoot-Acupuncture.com.