Come Home to Your Heart’s Wisdom Retreat

Noted teachers and facilitators Barbara Evans Levine and Marcey DiCaro will present Come Home to Your Heart’s Wisdom, a three-day retreat from November 4 through 6 at the beautiful and tranquil El Rancho Robles Retreat Center, in Oracle. The retreat will help attendees discover more peace, joy and relaxation and learn to incorporate these states of being in daily life.
“It is said that there is a brain in the heart which can guide the mind in choosing actions that promote greater peace. Here you will be able to release all that holds you back from experiencing unlimited possibilities for greater peace and joy,” says DiCaro.
The retreat will include daily meditations, qigong, healing through creative arts, quiet time for reflection and integration and much more. Healthy gourmet meals and double occupancy lodging will be available. The event is sponsored by The Essential Alchemist and Silence Heals (
Location: 1170 N. Rancho Robles Rd., Oracle. For more information, call 520-490-4149 or visit