Hypnotherapy for Medical Disorders
Those suffering with the symptoms of fibromyalgia may benefit from the Fibromyalgia Hypnotherapy Program of Teja Shankara, in Mesa. The next workshop will be held from 2 to 5 p.m., October 29, to learn tools for changing brain patterns in the brain and cultivating a positive self-coaching voice.
Shankara is a certified clinical hypnotherapist specialist with additional training in medical hypnotherapy and fibromyalgia who offers private hypnotherapy sessions and self-hypnosis workshops.
Clients typically experience a reduction in pain, fatigue and anxiety as their sleep becomes more restorative. Shankara also helps clients with managing and reducing chronic pain; preparing for medical and dental procedures and surgeries; reducing anxiety and stress; improving sleep; and changing negative self-talk with effective self-hypnosis.
Cost is $22 in advance/$25 at the door; self-hypnosis handouts included. Location: 202 W. Main St., Mesa. For more information, call 480-553-3122 or visit TejaShankara.com.