Garden on the Go

America’s largest urban garden project, PHX Renews, a project of nonprofit Keep Phoenix Beautiful, has relocated to 18th Avenue and Pierson Street, in Phoenix. The group has launched a $25,000 online Indiegogo campaign to finance the move.
Championed by Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton in 2012, PHX Renews made a tremendous impact in the local community, with more than 5,000 volunteer hours invested and hundreds of local gardeners involved since the project began.
Tom Waldeck, president and CEO of Keep Phoenix Beautiful, states, “In six short years, the community has achieved incredible goals to transform a large dirt lot into a vibrant gathering place. To keep this project going and growing, community support is needed now more than ever to set the new location up for success.” The new site will continue to host a solar home demonstration project and sustainability workshops for the community, as well as new garden beds for local gardeners.
To donate, visit Potential volunteers may visit