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Experience Empowerment Like Never Before

Coach Dr. Shelley Nash is launching a woman’s empowerment program called Breakthrough Your Inner Blocks. She states, “I love the transformation process, watching women of all ages let go of limiting beliefs and discover their magnificence and unlimited potential. Sometimes we need the eyes and ears of a coach to help us see what we are not seeing ourselves. A coach helps you find the reasons you are not achieving the success you desire, gives you tools to get unstuck and helps you reach new heights you never thought possible.”

She works with women from all walks of life and all ages. “Many are smart, independent women that are very successful in some areas of their life, yet they still find themselves feeling stuck,” says Nash. “Most of the women I work with have never been taught how to navigate their emotional life, their mind-body connection or how their thoughts create their world.”

For a free, 30-minute breakthrough session and to download her free e-book, Discover 5 Easy Ways to Eliminate Self-Sabotage, visit