Letter from Publisher

As your new publisher of Natural Awakenings Phoenix edition, I would like to send a warm hello to everyone, including a big thank-you to our readers, advertisers and editorial contributors for your continued support of the purpose and mission of sustainability and healthy living behind this free publication.
It’s a very exciting new adventure for me, and as you can see from my photo, I enjoy being in the outdoors, hiking and taking in all that nature has to offer with my three-legged hiking companion, Katie. My husband is also an avid road cyclist, and our small family tries to live a healthy lifestyle so that we can continue doing what we love.
I previously published a land reclamation magazine that focused on ways to rehabilitate property disturbed by industry; for example, by mining. Ecological restoration, an offshoot of land reclamation, is often prevalent at the grassroots level with projects that may be found in many cities. I am looking forward to finding local reclamation projects active in Phoenix and northern Arizona to report about and share my passion. I’m also excited to learn new things from the people that live in a wonderful area that is so rich in natural beauty.
How do you like our new cover look? With a fresh, modern flair, the graphical redesign reflects our dedication to staying up-to-date with current affairs, as reflected in our Global Briefs and Health Briefs departments. We’re not only available in print, either. Go visit NaturalAZ.com and see!
Living in Arizona is a dream come true for me. I will work hard to continue the successful work of publisher Eric Sells because it is quite apparent that he has touched many lives over the years. He has been my mentor in this transition, generous with his time and patient with me as I learn the intricacies of what it takes to publish this great magazine.
I look forward to getting to know you all. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] with comments, suggestions or questions.
This is your magazine—Enjoy!