Take Action to Reduce Pesticides in Scottsdale: Local Action Alert

Are you concerned about toxic pesticides in our soil, water, air and food?
Approximately 160 communities in more than 20 states restrict the use of toxic pesticides. Scottsdale BELIEVE, a grassroots group of Scottsdale residents, is working to make Scottsdale the first in Arizona.
The group takes its name from a Barry Goldwater quote: “While I am a great believer in the free enterprise system and all that it entails, I am an even stronger believer in the right of our people to live in a clean and pollution-free environment.”
Local governments are pre-empted by Arizona state law from regulating pesticide use on private property, but they can control pesticide use in their municipal operations. Scottsdale BELIEVE has organized a petition drive to ask the Scottsdale City Council to curtail the use of herbicides and other pesticides on municipal properties, such as parks and athletic fields, by adopting a “least hazardous first” policy. Under this tiered approach, nonchemical strategies are employed first and higher toxicity chemicals are used only when necessary to preserve public health and safety.
The group hopes the “least hazardous first” approach will spread from Scottsdale municipal operations to school districts, homeowners associations, and other municipalities. But first, the group must achieve success with the city of Scottsdale.
If you are a Scottsdale resident and would like your city to curtail its use of herbicides and other pesticides, take this opportunity to make your voice heard.
For details on how to sign the petition, collect signatures on your own, or to volunteer for a signature collection event, visit ScottsdaleBelieve.com. The group also welcomes the support of local businesses where people can sign the petition during business hours. See the full petition text and illustrative graphic at ScottsdaleBelieve.com/petition.