Angelic Lightworker Offering Free Consult
Paula Rayner, an angelic lightworker who
performs healing meditations, is offering a free initial consultation to help people
get feeling better and moving forward again.
“For many years, I have been able to channel divine
light for myself to continue my healing from childhood traumas,” shares Rayner.
“About 20 years ago, I realized I could also help others through long-distance
healing meditations. I started working with family and friends, and it didn’t
matter where they lived. The result was they were able to release the negative,
heavy feelings of fear, emotional pain, worry, guilt and much more. They were
able to sleep better, feel better, and be more aware of their happiness. It is
rewarding to help others move forward as I did.”
Adds Rayner: “When I meditate on someone, I’m
working with them to clear their chakras and aura layers to release negative
feelings that have been taking over their life. When I say, ‘in my meditations,’
I’m referring to my communications with my angel tribe, along with lords, gods,
archangels and the planets in the solar system. They deserve all the
recognition. I simply channel the work to them.”
Starting price is $60; then going forward, the client and Rayner can work out a
meditation plan and budget. For more information or a free consultation,
contact Rayner at 702-807-0864 or [email protected].