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The Big “6-0” [publisher's letter]

Publisher Tracy Patterson with her dog sitting in the desert resting up from a hike

Tracy Patterson

This month’s edition features inspired living, with articles such as “Growing Younger:Longevity Strategies that Help Reverse the Aging Process” and “Aging Gracefully: How a Yoga Practice Keeps Us Young”, among many other uplifting and motivating pieces.
I was particularly drawn to this age-related theme because I turned 60 in August, and I have to admit the big “6-0” took me aback a little. Up until now, I haven’t thought a whole lot about my age, even the “0” years—30, 40, 50…
One reason I think it was different this time is that I no longer have decades before what we traditionally call retirement age: 65 years old. My first thought was, “I’m almost there, only five years to go!” But then I thought, “I never plan to retire anyway, so why am I even thinking about this?” After all, I like to think I’m in Meryl Streep’s camp when it comes to age:
“Don’t waste so much time worrying about your skin or your weight. Develop what you do, what you put your hands on in the world.”
~ Meryl Streep
On that note, I bought myself a course for my birthday, one that will launch me into a new endeavor; you know, something to add to my already busy life! And, although I try not to worry about my skin and weight from a “vain” viewpoint, I am thrilled that there are so many healthy options for skin, food, supplements, exercise and general wellness—we really do have a lot to be grateful for. And another quote that incites the most grateful feeling of all:
“Do not complain about growing old. It is a privilege denied to many.”
~ Mark Twain
Age really is a state of mind. We can decide that we are our chronological age and do the things we’re “supposed” to do, or we can throw caution to the wind and just live and thrive. Sometimes I think, “What do I have to lose? Just go for it!”