Smile Your Way to Better Health
Nov 29, 2024 09:31AM ● By Ranine Jaber, DMD
Nothing connects people more quickly than a warm smile. It is the universal gesture that transcends language, age and culture.
It may not be done consciously, but we form some very strong opinions about people based on the appearance of their teeth.
In biological dentistry, we recognize that every component of oral health contributes to the body’s overall well-being. Did you know that the mouth is closely connected to several body systems, including the nervous system? In fact, smiling itself activates neurotransmitters like dopamine, endorphins and serotonin, helping you feel happier and less stressed.
There are, however, several ways to create beautiful smiles without compromising overall health.
Discolored teeth? Easy! A simple tooth-whitening procedure can quickly brighten a dark smile. Just be aware that many of these “bleaching” products may contain high levels of fluoride to prevent sensitivity.
Crooked teeth? No problem with clear aligner therapy (like Invisalign or SureSmile). These aligners are a great alternative to traditional metal braces and can quickly bring your teeth back into proper alignment.
Some cases are more complex, especially if the front teeth already have existing fillings. In the past, the only option was to place crowns that required removal of healthy tooth structure. Fortunately, we now have “no-prep” (short for “preparation”) porcelain veneers or “minimal prep” veneers. These are a great option for patients who want to improve their smile without compromising the health of their teeth or if a combination of problems exists. Instead of waiting for months to correct teeth that are stained and crooked, a beautiful smile can be achieved in a matter of days.
Holistic dentistry seeks to address all patient concerns—not just from a disease treatment perspective but also from an emotional standpoint. Each patient has unique needs and concerns. To address them, they need to be offered solutions that are not only healthy but also appearance-enhancing.
Dr. Ranine Jaber enjoys the creativity involved in dentistry when it comes to improving the balance and architecture of the teeth. She is deeply committed to restoring both her patients’ smiles and oral health using a comprehensive vision and conservative approach. Combining a light touch with a wide variety of options leads to the best and most personalized results for each person, and she can’t wait for you to experience this for yourself. Natural Dental Partners (602-775-5120) is a health-centered dental practice in North Scottsdale. Visit for more information.