Apr 28, 2017 09:20AM ● By April Thompson
His latest documentary film explores the global drive to rescue traditional seed varieties threatened with extinction by agribusiness practices, in order to ensure humanity’s survival.
Apr 28, 2017 09:20AM ● By Aimee Hughes
Effective self-defense comes when we move mindfully through environments and know how to safely redirect an opponent’s energy.
Apr 28, 2017 09:20AM ● By Mark Nepo
Our soul is like a sail, filled by the wind of Spirit; our job is to harness our will to let Spirit take the rudder.
Apr 28, 2017 09:20AM ● By Deborah Shouse
By making wise choices starting with diet and exercise, a mom-to-be can claim the gentle, joyous birth she wants for her baby.
Apr 28, 2017 09:20AM ● By Susan Briggs
When our dogs feel threatened or anxious, their body language tells the story—if we know what to look for.
Apr 28, 2017 08:48AM
Biking a half hour to work improves brain function, but if pollution hangs in the air, a moderate pace of 8 miles per hour tests best for overall health.
Babies born to mothers given 2.4 grams of omega-3 supplements in the third trimester of pregnancy had nearly a third lower risk of experiencing asthma by age 5.
Brown University researchers found that each alcoholic drink consumed on average per day increased melanoma skin cancer risk by 14 percent.
In a 10-year study, Korean researchers found a link between vitamin C, folate and potassium intake and the length of telomeres associated with increased longevity.
Apr 28, 2017 08:47AM
Type 2 diabetics that ingested a dry extract of the bark of Hintonia latiflora, a tree grown in Mexico and South America, experienced a 25 percent reduction in fasting blood glucose levels, as well as improved cholesterol and liver markers.