Feb 29, 2016 02:54PM ● By Judith Fertig
While about half of America’s vegetable consumption is stuck in a rut of tomatoes and potatoes, supermarket aisles overflow with exotic and healthier options.
Jan 29, 2016 09:43AM ● By Julianne Hale
Children's developing bodies and minds respond to yoga on a deep level, both on and off the mat. Here is how kids can get started practicing yoga to reap the many health benefits.
Jan 29, 2016 09:43AM ● By Randy Kambic
It lacks the speed and intensity of downhill skiing, but that’s the charm of cross-country skiing for those that love quiet time in nature while losing weight and building muscle.
Jan 29, 2016 09:43AM ● By Sandra Murphy
Starting with a bird feeder, binoculars and app, we can thrill to the medley of birds in our backyards and wildlife refuges.
Jan 29, 2016 09:43AM ● By Judith Fertig
True friendships transcend age and time, come in many flavors and make for happy and healthy lives.
Jan 29, 2016 09:07AM
Babies up to toddler age had 46 percent fewer strep infections when their mothers regularly chewed xylitol gum.
Rutgers University researchers report that a compound in virgin olive oil killed cancer cells while sparing healthy cells.
British college students given a bifidobacterium probiotic for six weeks during stressful final exams had significantly fewer and less severe cases of cold and flu.
Toddlers that were joked around with and played “pretend” activities developed better interpersonal skills later in life.
People with a history of chronic bronchitis that routinely drank five or more high-fructose corn syrup sodas a week showed an 80 percent increase in bronchitis incidents.