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15 Minutes to a Healthier You: The OsteoStrong Way to Beat Osteoporosis [Business Spotlight]

Jayson Brightwell, co-owner of OsteoStrong in Phoenix and Scottsdale.

Jayson Brightwell, co-owner of OsteoStrong in Phoenix and Scottsdale.

Did you know half of all women over 50 will experience a bone break due to osteoporosis? The one-year mortality rate is alarmingly high, comparable to breast cancer. And the side effects of leading bone drugs can be severe, including cancer risks. Yet, OsteoStrong offers a proven, innovative approach to bone health in Phoenix (Arcadia) and Scottsdale (McCormick Ranch).
Jayson Brightwell, co-owner and a health and biohacking enthusiast, launched OsteoStrong in Phoenix and Scottsdale. His mission? To revolutionize wellness, focusing on our skeletal system. Imagine improving bone density, easing back pain, and boosting balance, all in just 15 minutes weekly.
What sets OsteoStrong apart isn’t just its cutting-edge, drug-free methods; it’s the community warmth, bone health education, and the tangible benefits members experience: improved posture, more energy, less discomfort, and a sense of belonging.
OsteoStrong also offers therapies like red light and compression therapy, taking a holistic approach to wellness. This includes discussions on nutritional balance, stress management, and quality sleep.
May is National Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention Month, and we’re celebrating with two events. The Echolight Bone Imaging event from May 3 to 9, in both locations, provides an accurate assessment of bone health and five-year fracture risk, all without X-rays. Plus, don’t miss our Open House on May 19 at the Arcadia center. It’s a chance to meet the team, learn about our approach, and hear success stories firsthand.


OsteoStrong is about empowering you to live fully, supported by a community that cares. Ready to start? We’re here to guide you. For more information, text or call 602-932-2792. Locations: OsteoStrong Arcadia: 3301 E. Indian School Rd., Phoenix (480-428-1011) and OsteoStrong McCormick Ranch: 8120 N. Hayden Rd., Scottsdale (480-378-6448). Also visit