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Dog Walking

Recently, my friends and I were discussing the very topic of the Natural Pet article featured in this month’s edition on page 34: how people are more likely to approach and strike up conversations when we have a dog with us. This isn’t just limited to other dog owners; even people without dogs seem more inclined to say hello when my dog is by my side. 

An interesting aspect of frequently visiting the same place—in my case, a state park just seven minutes from my home—is that it fosters a sense of investment in the area. Regular visitors, including myself, tend to follow the rules more closely, such as picking up after our dogs and keeping them on leashes, unlike occasional visitors. I suspect I’m not alone in this sentiment.

It’s amazing how much I look forward to my daily walks, as they provide an opportunity for my dog and me to socialize with other like-minded people and their pets. Additionally, the park itself is a major attraction with its great paths; abundant vegetation (offering plenty of shade!); and diverse wildlife, including eagles, blue herons, songbirds, otters and deer.

It’s a wonderful mix of people and dogs in a beautiful, safe setting, thanks to the vigilant and friendly park rangers. I am grateful every day for this lovely place to walk and for the social opportunities it provides for both me and my dog.


Tracy Patterson, Publisher